VoIP Benefits: The Technology of the Future

VoIP Benefits: The Technology of the Future

Many companies, when they are starting their operations, think about how to reduce costs and be able to focus on what really matters: their business. Many of these companies do not know the VoIP benefits. Did you know you can save up to 70% with Telephone Systems Services plans? If you're still in doubt, check out some VoIP benefits that we selected today.

VoIP Benefits #1: Much More Than Voice

VoIP technology is based on Internet Protocol (IP). As a result, VoIP technology also handles other types of media besides voice: you can transfer images, videos and text along with voice. For example, you can talk to someone while uploading your files or even use a webcam.

Before learning more about this subject, fill out the form below to contact Telephone Systems Services and find out about the best VoIP solutions for your company to reduce costs and increase productivity.

VoIP Benefits #2: Smart Use of Bandwidth

It is known that more than 50% of a telephone conversation is filled with silence. VoIP technology fills the “empty” spaces so that bandwidth on communication channels is not wasted. In other words, as long as a user is not talking, no bandwidth is used by the user. That bandwidth is then available for others to use.


VoIP Benefits #3: Less Complexity

By using VoIP technology, complexity is eliminated, producing an integrated and flexible infrastructure that can truly support many types of communication.

VoIP Benefits #4: Plethora of Features

Using VoIP technology also means benefiting from its multitude of features and abundant features that can make the experience very rich and sophisticated for both you and your business. You can, for example, make calls anywhere in the world to any destination in the world with your VoIP account. Some other features also include extension groups, IVR (Announcement), custom queues, call recording, Follow-up me, Call Back, PO Box and more.

After meeting 4 greats VoIP benefits, you are probably wondering what you should do to opt for the technology of the future. Contact us and sign up right now!



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